Teen Mother Choices - Empowering Young Families, Inc.
Teen Mother Choices assists with the cost of childcare for those parenting moms between the ages of 13 and 23 who are parenting. Each week, participants meet for LifeSkills Workshop. We begin with a home-cooked meal. Local professionals teach on various subjects such as budgeting, life insurance, taking care of yourself after childbirth, child development and many, many other subjects. Each participant has their own mentor who helps them with goal setting, budgeting and any questions that they may have concerning raising their child(ren). Each week, you would receive diapers, wipes and a check to your childcare provider that you attain.
Each young mom goes through an application process and commit to:
Teen Mother Choices® (TMC®) is a licensed program of Teen Mother Choices International® (TMCI®).
Contact Lyn either by email lyn@teenmotherchoices.org or call/text 513-476-2863