Empowering Young Families, Inc. is a devoted non-profit to young families in Southeastern Indiana, including Franklin County, Dearborn County, Union County, Fayette County, and Ripley County. Entirely ran by volunteers from the board members, program director, mentors, coordinators and childcare on Monday evenings, these dedicated people are giving young moms and dads HOPE, PURPOSE and FUTURE.
We currently offer Teen Mother Choices (TMC).
Our Teen Mother Choices® (TMC®) , a program that assists teen mothers (ages 13-23) to complete high school, HSE, college and/or work full time. Teen Mother Choices® (TMC®) is a licensed program of Teen Mother Choices International® (TMCI®). Teen Mother Choices EQUIPS, EMPOWERS AND IMPACTS the mother and her child(ren). It equips the teen mother with monetary assistance with childcare costs, weekly meetings that include LifeSkills Workshops, a personal mentor and diapers/wipes. It empowers the teen mom setting and completing short and long term goals for herself and her child(ren). Teen Mother Choices impacts the whole family as the teen mother completes her education, moves on to a full-time permanent job and becomes an independent, functioning member of the area.
Empowering Young Families, Inc. began the Dedicated Active Dads (DADs) program Summer 2021. Currently, the DADs program is not being offered. Dads will cover topics such as parenting skills, self assessment, caring for self, and relationship skills. They will learn the 12 Key Behaviors of a 24/7 Dad. Dads will receive assistance by receiving diapers/wipes each week as well as a $100 Gift Card at the end of the 8 week program. Young fathers are vital components in a child's life and we would like to support these young men as fathers.
Mission Statement
To demonstrate the love and mercy of Jesus Christ to teenage mothers, fathers and their children while equipping and empowering them to become independent, functioning members of our community.